In a PHP project, what patterns exist to store, access and organize helper objects? [closed]

I would avoid the Singleton approach suggested by Flavius. There are numerous reasons to avoid this approach. It violates good OOP principles. The google testing blog has some good articles on the Singleton and how to avoid it:


  1. a service provider

  2. dependency injection

    and a php explanation:

This is a good article about these alternatives:

Implementing dependency injection (DI):

Some more thoughts on Flavius’s solution. I don’t want this post to be an anti-post but I think it’s important to see why dependency injection is, at least for me, better than globals.

Even though it is not a ‘true’ Singleton implementation, I still think Flavius got it wrong. Global state is bad. Note that such solutions also use difficult to test static methods.

I know a lot of people do it, approve it and use it. But reading Misko Heverys blog articles (a google testability expert), rereading it and slowly digesting what he says did alter the way I see design a lot.

If you want to be able to test you application, you’ll need to adopt a different approach to designing your application. When you do test-first programming, you’ll have difficulty with things like this: ‘next I want to implement logging in this piece of code; let’s write a test first that logs a basic message’ and then come up with a test that forces you to write and use a global logger that can’t be replaced.

I am still struggling with all the information I got from that blog, and it’s not always easy to implement, and I have many questions. But there’s no way I can go back to what I did before (yes, global state and Singletons (big S)) after I grasped what Misko Hevery was saying 🙂

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