In Java, how do I efficiently and elegantly stream a tree node’s descendants?

To me, your solution is already as elegant as possible and the limited laziness of it not your fault. The simplest solution is to wait until it gets fixed by the JRE developers. It has been done with Java 10.

However, if this limited laziness of today’s implementation really is a concern, it’s perhaps time to solve this in a general way. Well, it is about implementing a Spliterator, but not specific to your task. Instead, it’s a re-implementation of the flatmap operation serving all cases where the limited laziness of the original implementation matters:

public class FlatMappingSpliterator<E,S> extends Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<E>
implements Consumer<S> {

    static final boolean USE_ORIGINAL_IMPL
        = Boolean.getBoolean("stream.flatmap.usestandard");

    public static <T,R> Stream<R> flatMap(
        Stream<T> in, Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper) {

            return in.flatMap(mapper);

            new FlatMappingSpliterator<>(sp(in), mapper), in.isParallel()

    final Spliterator<S> src;
    final Function<? super S, ? extends Stream<? extends E>> f;
    Stream<? extends E> currStream;
    Spliterator<E> curr;

    private FlatMappingSpliterator(
        Spliterator<S> src, Function<? super S, ? extends Stream<? extends E>> f) {
        // actually, the mapping function can change the size to anything,
        // but it seems, with the current stream implementation, we are
        // better off with an estimate being wrong by magnitudes than with
        // reporting unknown size
        super(src.estimateSize()+100, src.characteristics()&ORDERED);
        this.src = src;
        this.f = f;

    private void closeCurr() {
        try { currStream.close(); } finally { currStream=null; curr=null; }

    public void accept(S s) {

    public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super E> action) {
        do {
            if(curr!=null) {
                    return true;
        } while(src.tryAdvance(this));
        return false;

    public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super E> action) {
        if(curr!=null) {
            try(Stream<? extends E> str=f.apply(s)) {
                if(str!=null) str.spliterator().forEachRemaining(action);

    private static <X> Spliterator<X> sp(Stream<? extends X> str) {
        return str!=null? ((Stream<X>)str).spliterator(): null;

    public Spliterator<E> trySplit() {
        Spliterator<S> split = src.trySplit();
        if(split==null) {
            Spliterator<E> prefix = curr;
            while(prefix==null && src.tryAdvance(s->curr=sp(f.apply(s))))
            return prefix;
        FlatMappingSpliterator<E,S> prefix=new FlatMappingSpliterator<>(split, f);
        if(curr!=null) {
        return prefix;

All you need for using it, is to add a import static of the flatMap method to your code and change expressions of the form stream.flatmap(function) to flatmap(stream, function).

I.e. in your code

public Stream<String> descendants(String node) {
    return Stream.concat(
        flatMap(children(node), this::descendants)

then you have full lazy behavior. I tested it even with infinite streams…

Note that I added a toggle to allow turning back to the original implementation, e.g. when specifying    -Dstream.flatmap.usestandard=true on the command line.

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