Inconsistent behavior of toLocaleString() in different browser

The short answer is no. toLocaleString can be implemented however the developers wish. What your question implies is that Chrome outputs the string you want.

If you would like to output that format consistently you’ll need to use a separate library – like DateJS.

To do this with DateJS will need some standard format specifiers available in core.js and some that are only available in extras.js. The documentation has a list of all the format specifiers.

The string you want is:

Tue Nov 13 2012 10:15:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

So to get this from DateJS you’ll need:

"D M d Y H:i:s \G\M\TO (e)"

The syntax for DateJS is:

new Date ("2012-11-13T04:45:00.00").format("D M d Y H:i:s \G\M\TO (e)");

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