Insert/update helper function using PDO

I usually have a class extending PDO, but my class is pretty custom. If I get it cleaned up and tested I will post it at a later time. Here is a solution to your system, however.

function dbSet($fields, &$values) {
    $values = array();

    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
            $set .= "`$field` = ?,";
            $values[] = $_POST[$field];

    return rtrim($set, ',');

$fields = explode(" ","name surname lastname address zip fax phone date");
$_POST['date'] = $_POST['y']."-".$_POST['m']."-"$_POST['d'];

$query  = "UPDATE $table SET ".dbSet($fields, $values).", stamp=NOW() WHERE id=?";
$values[] = $id;


This may not be perfect and could use tweaking. It takes into account that $dbh is setup with a PDO Connection. Pending any minor syntax issues I made, that should work.


Really though, I think I would go for Doctrine ORM (or another ORM). As you setup the model and add all the validation there, then it is as simple as:

$table = new Table();

That should populate the contents easily. This is of course with an ORM, like Doctrine.


Did some minor tweaks to the first code, such as putting isset back and using rtrim over substr. Going to work on providing a mock up of a PDO Extension class just gotta layout the way to do it and do some unit tests to make sure it works.

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