Installing Pygame for Mac OS X 10.6.8

The Python 2.7.3 .dmg Mac OS installer installs both 64-bit and 32-bit binaries in:


There is a 32-bit binary called python2.7-32 in that folder.

To use it in the Terminal simply type $ python2.7-32 instead of python

To use it in IDLE simply rename the 64-bit python2.7 binary to something like python2.7-64 then rename python2.7-32' topython2.7` and next time you launch IDLE or the Terminal it will use the 32-bit binary. Change it back when you are done.

You can also force launch IDLE in 32-bit mode from the Terminal:

$ arch -i386 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/idle2.7 -n

You can create a shell script Automator application to make it easier to launch.

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