Trouble Installing Pygame on Mac OSX

The instructions differ if you have a 32-bit proccessor or a 64-bit one. Users of 32-bit processors should just download and install the binary labeled on the pygame download page. Users of 64-bit processors should follow the instructions below.

  1. There is no 64-bit version of pygame for Mac OS X. The 32-bit version of pygame is only compatible with a 32-bit version of python.
    However, there is a warning/caution to be aware of: on Snow Leopard the Apple-provided version of Tcl/Tk (a GUI library which powers IDLE) can be out-of-date and cause problems. Snow Leopard users should first download and install an updated version from here, labeled ActiveTcl under Mac OS X (Universal).
    This should be installed first.
    Lion users should ignore this step.

  2. Delete, if already installed, the Python 2.7 folder (most likely in /Applications). This is most likely the 64-bit version of Python that should not be used.

  3. Download and install the 32-bit version of Python 2.7.2 provided here under Python 2.7.2 Mac OS X 32-bit i386/PPC Installer.
    Regardless of what download page says, this version is compatible on Mac OS X Lion. If you have the correct version, the install size (as displayed in Installer) should be around 90 MB.

  4. Download and install the 32-bit version of pygame, located here.

  5. You can test to see if this has worked by opening IDLE, and typing:
    import pygame

If there is no output, it worked. If instead you get a “no matching architecture in universal wrapper” error, then most likely step 2 was skipped.

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