int var = 1; void main() { int i = i; }

i has an indeterminate value because it is not initialized. So not only is it compiler dependent but it is dependent on whatever happens to be in that memory location. Variables in local scope are not initialized in C++.

I assume instead of int var = 1; at the top you meant int i = 1;.

The local scope i will still be used because the point of declaration for a variable is immediately after its declarator and before its initializer.

More specifically, Section 3.3.1-1 of the C++03 standard:

The point of declaration for a name is
immediately after its complete
declarator (clause 8) and before its
initializer (if any), except as noted

int x = 12;
{ int x = x; }

Here the second x is initialized with its own (indeterminate) value. ]

On a side note I don’t think this is a very good interview question because it is related to knowing some obscure fact about the language which doesn’t say anything about your coding experience.

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