Inverting rotation in 3D, to make an object always face the camera?

The easiest way to do this is “clearing” the rotational part of the transform matrix. Your typical homogenous transformation looks like this

| xx xy xz xw |
| yx yy yz yw |
| zx zy zz zw |
| wx wy wz ww | 

with wx = wy = wz = 0, ww = 1. If you take a closer look you’ll see that in fact this matrix is composed of a 3×3 submatrix defining the rotation, a 3 subvector for the translation and a homogenous row 0 0 0 1

| R       T |
| (0,0,0) 1 |

For a billboard/sprite you want to keep the translation, but get rid of the rotation, i.e. R = I. In case some scaleing was applied the identity needs to be scaled as well.

This gives the following recipie:

d = sqrt( xx² + yx² + zx² )

| d 0 0 T.x |
| 0 d 0 T.y |
| 0 0 d T.z |
| 0 0 0   1 |

Loading this matrix allows you to draw camera aligned sprites.

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