Is it possible to initialize std::vector over already allocated memory?

Like this.. Containers in the standard usually take an allocator. Using c++11’s allocator traits, it is very easy to create an allocator as you don’t have to have all the members in the allocator. However if using an older version of C++, you will need to implement each member and do the rebinding as well!

For Pre-C++11, you can use the following:

#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
class PreAllocator
        T* memory_ptr;
        std::size_t memory_size;

        typedef std::size_t size_type;
        typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
        typedef T* pointer;
        typedef const T* const_pointer;
        typedef T& reference;
        typedef const T& const_reference;
        typedef T value_type;

        PreAllocator(T* memory_ptr, std::size_t memory_size) throw() : memory_ptr(memory_ptr), memory_size(memory_size) {};
        PreAllocator (const PreAllocator& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

        template<typename U>
        PreAllocator (const PreAllocator<U>& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

        template<typename U>
        PreAllocator& operator = (const PreAllocator<U>& other) {return *this;}
        PreAllocator<T>& operator = (const PreAllocator& other) {return *this;}
        ~PreAllocator() {}

        pointer address (reference value) const {return &value;}
        const_pointer address (const_reference value) const {return &value;}

        pointer allocate (size_type n, const void* hint = 0) {return memory_ptr;}
        void deallocate (T* ptr, size_type n) {}

        void construct (pointer ptr, const T& val) {new (ptr) T (val);}

        template<typename U>
        void destroy (U* ptr) {ptr->~U();}
        void destroy (pointer ptr) {ptr->~T();}

        size_type max_size() const {return memory_size;}

        template<typename U>
        struct rebind
            typedef PreAllocator<U> other;

int main()
    int my_arr[100] = {0};
    std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_vec(PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));
    std::cout<<"My_Vec[0]: "<<my_vec[0]<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"My_Arr[0]: "<<my_arr[0]<<"\n";

    int* my_heap_ptr = new int[100]();
    std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_heap_vec(PreAllocator<int>(&my_heap_ptr[0], 100));
    std::cout<<"My_Heap_Vec[0]: "<<my_heap_vec[0]<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"My_Heap_Ptr[0]: "<<my_heap_ptr[0]<<"\n";

    delete[] my_heap_ptr;
    my_heap_ptr = NULL;

For C++11, you can use the following:

#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class PreAllocator
        T* memory_ptr;
        std::size_t memory_size;

        typedef std::size_t     size_type;
        typedef T*              pointer;
        typedef T               value_type;

        PreAllocator(T* memory_ptr, std::size_t memory_size) : memory_ptr(memory_ptr), memory_size(memory_size) {}

        PreAllocator(const PreAllocator& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

        template<typename U>
        PreAllocator(const PreAllocator<U>& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

        template<typename U>
        PreAllocator& operator = (const PreAllocator<U>& other) { return *this; }
        PreAllocator<T>& operator = (const PreAllocator& other) { return *this; }
        ~PreAllocator() {}

        pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* hint = 0) {return memory_ptr;}
        void deallocate(T* ptr, size_type n) {}

        size_type max_size() const {return memory_size;}

int main()
    int my_arr[100] = {0};
    std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int>> my_vec(0, PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));
    std::cout<<"My_Vec[0]: "<<my_vec[0]<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"My_Arr[0]: "<<my_arr[0]<<"\n";

    int* my_heap_ptr = new int[100]();
    std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int>> my_heap_vec(0, PreAllocator<int>(&my_heap_ptr[0], 100));
    std::cout<<"My_Heap_Vec[0]: "<<my_heap_vec[0]<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"My_Heap_Ptr[0]: "<<my_heap_ptr[0]<<"\n";

    delete[] my_heap_ptr;
    my_heap_ptr = nullptr;

Notice the difference between the two allocators! This will work with both heap buffers/arrays and stack buffer/arrays. It will also work with most containers. It is safer to use the Pre-C++11 version because it will be backwards compatible and work with more containers (ie: std::List).

You can just place the allocator in a header and use it as much as you want in any projects. It is good if you want to use SharedMemory or any buffer that is already allocated.

DO NOT use the same buffer for multiple containers at the same time! A buffer can be reused but just make sure no two containers use it at the same time.


int my_arr[100] = {0};
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_vec(PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_vec2(PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));


std::cout<<"My_Vec[0]: "<<my_vec[0]<<"\n";
std::cout<<"My_Arr[0]: "<<my_arr[0]<<"\n";

The output of the above is 2048! Why? Because the last vector overwrote the values of the first vector since they share the same buffer.

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