Is string::c_str() no longer null terminated in C++11?

Strings are now required to use null-terminated buffers internally. Look at the definition of operator[] (21.4.5):

Requires: pos <= size().

Returns: *(begin() + pos) if pos <
, otherwise a reference to an object of type T with value
charT(); the referenced value shall not be modified.

Looking back at c_str (, we see that it is defined in terms of operator[]:

Returns: A pointer p such that p + i == &operator[](i) for each i in [0,size()].

And both c_str and data are required to be O(1), so the implementation is effectively forced to use null-terminated buffers.

Additionally, as David Rodríguez – dribeas points out in the comments, the return value requirement also means that you can use &operator[](0) as a synonym for c_str(), so the terminating null character must lie in the same buffer (since *(p + size()) must be equal to charT()); this also means that even if the terminator is initialised lazily, it’s not possible to observe the buffer in the intermediate state.

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