Is there a way to get count of number methods used in a jar file

You can convert the jar to a dex file, and then pull the number of method references out of the header. It is stored as an unsigned little endian integer, at offset 88 (0x58).

dx --dex --output=temp.dex orig.jar
cat temp.dex | head -c 92 | tail -c 4 | hexdump -e '1/4 "%d\n"'

Keep in mind that this is the number of unique methods referenced, not the number of method references. In other words, if a particular method is referenced twice in the dex file, it will only be counted once in the count in the header. And when you import this jar into your apk, the method references that are common between the two are deduplicated, so the total method reference count of the final merged apk will be <= the sum of the two.

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