Is there a way to increase the size of localStorage in Google Chrome to avoid QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22

5MB is a hard limit and that is stupid. IndexedDB gives you ~50MB which is more reasonable. To make it easier to use try Dexie.js


Dexie.js was actually still an overkill for my simple key-value purposes so I wrote this much simpler script

with this you have 50MB and can get and set values like that

// Setting values
ldb.set('nameGoesHere', 'value goes here');

// Getting values - callback is required because the data is being retrieved asynchronously:
ldb.get('nameGoesHere', function (value) {
  console.log('And the value is', value);

Copy/paste the line below so ldb.set() and ldb.get() from the example above will become available.

!function(){function e(t,o){return n?void(n.transaction("s").objectStore("s").get(t).onsuccess=function(e){var||null;o(t)}):void setTimeout(function(){e(t,o)},100)}var t=window.indexedDB||window.mozIndexedDB||window.webkitIndexedDB||window.msIndexedDB;if(!t)return void console.error("indexDB not supported");var n,o={k:"",v:""},"d2",1);r.onsuccess=function(e){n=this.result},r.onerror=function(e){console.error("indexedDB request error"),console.log(e)},r.onupgradeneeded=function(e){n=null;var"s",{keyPath:"k"});t.transaction.oncomplete=function(e){}},window.ldb={get:e,set:function(e,t){o.k=e,o.v=t,n.transaction("s","readwrite").objectStore("s").put(o)}}}();

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