Is there a way to make a C++ struct value-initialize all POD member variables?

The cleanest way would be to write the auto-initialzed template class initialized<T>:

EDIT: I realize now it can be made even more flexible by allowing you to declare initialized<Struct>. This means that you can declare initialization without modifying the original Struct. The default initialization ‘T()’ was inspired on Prasoons answer.

template<class T>  
struct initialized 

        { value = T(); }

    initialized(T t) 
        { value = t; }

    initialized(const initialized<T>& x) 
        { value = x.value; }

    T* operator &() { return &value; } 

     operator T&() { return value; }     

     T value; 

struct PodStruct 
    std::string String;      
    int Int; 

struct GlorifiedPodStruct 
    std::string String;      
    initialized<int> Int; 

void Test()
    GlorifiedPodStruct s;
    s.Int = 1;
    int b = s.Int;
    int * pointer = &s.Int;

    initialized<PodStruct> s2;

This compiles, but may need more conversion operators, handling of keywords like volatile, etc. But you get the idea.

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