Is there ANY_VALUE capability for mysql 5.6?

You’re misusing the notorious nonstandard MySQL extension to GROUP BY. Standard SQL will always reject your query, because you’re mentioning columns that aren’t aggregates and aren’t mentioned in GROUP BY. In your dev system you’re trying to work around that with ANY_VALUE().

In production, you can turn off the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY MySQL Mode. Try doing this:

  SET @mode := @@SESSION.sql_mode;
  SET SESSION sql_mode="";
  /* your query here */
  SET SESSION sql_mode = @mode;

This will allow MySQL to accept your query.

But look, your query isn’t really correct. When you can persuade it to run, it returns a randomly chosen row from the images table. That sort of indeterminacy often causes confusion for users and your tech support crew.

Why not make the query better, so it chooses a particular image. If your images table has an autoincrement id column you can do this to select the “first” image.

SELECT,, i.*
  FROM countries c
       SELECT MIN(id) id, country_id
         FROM images
        GROUP BY country_id
       ) first ON = first.country_id
  LEFT JOIN images i ON =

That will return one row per country with a predictable image shown.

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