Java 9 + maven + junit: does test code need of its own and where to put it?

The module system does not distinguish between production code and test code, so if you choose to modularize test code, the prod.module and the test.module cannot share the same package com.acme.project, as described in the specs:

Non-interference — The Java compiler, virtual machine, and run-time system must ensure that modules that contain packages of the same name do not interfere with each other. If two distinct modules contain packages of the same name then, from the perspective of each module, all of the types and members in that package are defined only by that module. Code in that package in one module must not be able to access package-private types or members in that package in the other module.

As indicated by Alan Bateman, the Maven compiler plugin uses –patch-module and other options provided by the module system when compiling code in the src/test/java tree, so that the module under test is augmented with the test classes. And this is also done by the Surefire plugin when running the test classes (see Support running unit tests in named Java 9 modules). This means you don’t need to place your test code in a module.

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