Self-Contained Applications, built in Java


Yes, this is possible with jlink (JEP 282), but all of your code and your dependencies need to be modular JARs (i.e. ones with module-info.class). It works like this:

    --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods:mods
    --output your-app-image

In detail:

  • --module-path lists the folders that contain modules – this needs to include the platform modules shipped with the JDK you want to use (in $JAVA_HOME/jmods) and your application modules (mods)
  • --add-modules names the module(s) that you want your runtime image to contain – all of its (their) transitive dependencies are included
  • --launcher is optional, but very handy; it creates an OS-specific launcher (e.g. a .bat on Windows) with the given name (launch-app) that launches the specified module (; in this case assuming the main class is defined for it)
  • --output specifies where to create the runtime image

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