Java Smooth Color Transition

You’re using the wrong sign in the calcuations. Should be plus, not minus, to apply the ratio properly.

int red = (int)Math.abs((ratio * FAR.getRed()) + ((1 - ratio) * CLOSE.getRed()));
int green = (int)Math.abs((ratio * FAR.getGreen()) + ((1 - ratio) * CLOSE.getGreen()));
int blue = (int)Math.abs((ratio * FAR.getBlue()) + ((1 - ratio) * CLOSE.getBlue()));

The reason you are getting dark colours with your existing implementation is that with (-), they would often fall close to zero (less than 50? or negative but greater than -50?) and in the negative case, well, you are taking the absolute value so it becomes a small positive number, i.e. a dark colour.

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