Java: Swing Libraries & Thread Safety

  1. Never do long running tasks in response to a button, event, etc as these are on the event thread. If you block the event thread, the ENTIRE GUI will be completely unresponsive resulting in REALLY pissed off users. This is why Swing seems slow and crusty.

  2. Use Threads, Executors, and SwingWorker to run tasks NOT ON THE EDT ( event dispatch thread).

  3. Do not update or create widgets outside of the EDT. Just about the only call you can do outside of the EDT is Component.repaint(). Use SwingUtilitis.invokeLater to ensure certain code executes on the EDT.

  4. Use EDT Debug Techniques and a smart look and feel (like Substance, which checks for EDT violation)

If you follow these rules, Swing can make some very attractive and RESPONSIVE GUIs

An example of some REALLY awesome Swing UI work: Palantir Technologies. Note: I DO NOT work for them, just an example of awesome swing. Shame no public demo… Their blog is good too, sparse, but good

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