Javascript Asynchronous Exception Handling with node.js

Warning: I would not recommend the original answer using domains, domains are being deprecated in the future, I had a lot of fun writing the original answer but I no longer believe it is too relevant. Instead – I suggest using event emitters and promises that have better error handling – here is the below example with promises instead. The promises used here are Bluebird:

    throw new Error("Something");
    console.log(err.message); // logs "Something"

With a timeout (note that we have to return the Promise.delay):

Promise.try(function() {
    return Promise.delay(1000).then(function(){
        throw new Error("something");
    console.log("caught "+err.message);

With a general NodeJS funciton:

var fs = Promise.promisifyAll("fs"); // creates readFileAsync that returns promise
    console.log(content.toString()); // logs the file's contents
    // can throw here and it'll catch it
    console.log(err); // log any error from the `then` or the readFile operation

This approach is both fast and catch safe, I recommend it above the below answer which uses domains that are likely not here to stay.

I ended up using domains, I have created the following file I called mistake.js which contains the following code:

var domain=require("domain");
module.exports = function(func){
    var dom = domain.create();
    return { "catch" :function(errHandle){
        var args = arguments;
            return errHandle(err);
  , args);
        return this;

Here is some example usage:

var atry = require("./mistake.js");

atry(function() {
        throw "something";
    console.log("caught "+err);

It also works like normal catch for synchronous code

atry(function() {
    throw "something";
    console.log("caught "+err);

I would appreciate some feedback on the solution

On a side note, in v 0.8 apparently when you catch the exception in the domain it still bubbles to process.on("uncaughtException"). I dealt with this in my process.on("uncaughtException") with

 if (typeof e !== "object" || !e["domain_thrown"]) {

However, the documentation suggests against process.on("uncaughtException") any way

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