JPA Select latest instance for each item

In SQL the solution is very simple – join the table with a subquery, which gives you the most recent meeting for each attendee:

select * from Meeting ALL
join ( select max(meetingDate) as newest, attendee
from Meeting group by attendee ) LATEST
on ALL.meetingDate = LATEST.newest AND ALL.attendee = LATEST.attendee

This works, and works fast!

The problem with JPA is that it (or most implementations) won’t allow a subquery for a join. After spending several hours trying what will compile in the first place, and then, how slow it is, I decided that I hate JPA. Solutions like the ones above – like EXISTS (SELECT .. ) or IN ( SELECT .. ) – take ages to execute, orders of magnitude slower than they should.

Having a solution that works meant that I just needed to access that solution from JPA. There are two magic words in SQL that help you do just that:


and the life becomes so much simpler… Just define such entity and use it.
Caution: it’s read-only.

Of course, any JPA purists will look down on you when you do that, so if anyone has a pure JPA solution, please let us both know!

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