Line delimited json serializing and de-serializing

You can do so by manually parsing your JSON using JsonTextReader and setting the SupportMultipleContent flag to true.

If we look at your first example, and create a POCO called Foo:

public class Foo
    public string Some { get; set; }

This is how we parse it:

var json = "{\"some\":\"thing1\"}\r\n{\"some\":\"thing2\"}\r\n{\"some\":\"thing3\"}";
var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(json))
    SupportMultipleContent = true // This is important!

var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
while (jsonReader.Read())
    Foo foo = jsonSerializer.Deserialize<Foo>(jsonReader);

If you want list of items as result simply add each item to a list inside the while loop to your list.


Note: with Json.Net 10.0.4 and later same code also supports comma separated JSON entries see How to deserialize dodgy JSON (with improperly quoted strings, and missing brackets)?)

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