linq syntax: What is the type that this returns? How can I now go ahead and use firstRow.ingredientName etc?

First, I think your code will not compile, you’re missing two parentheses:

return (from c in db.RecipeIngredients
   join d in db.Ingredients on c.IngredientID equals d.IngredientsID
   where c.RecipeID.Equals(recipeID)
   select (d.IngredientsID,c.Unit,c.IngredientID,c.Amount)).ToList();

Ok, next, (d.IngredientsID,c.Unit,c.IngredientID,c.Amount) if you’re on C# 7.0 that’s a declarative tuple with all the variables, so you need to return that types between parentheses, like here (I will assume the types of your vars, correct it as needed):

public List<(int, UnitNames, int, double)> GetRecipe(int recipeId)
    return (from c in db.RecipeIngredients
       join d in db.Ingredients on c.IngredientID equals d.IngredientsID
       where c.RecipeID.Equals(recipeID)
       select (d.IngredientsID,c.Unit,c.IngredientID,c.Amount)).ToList();


To access the variables you acces like this:

var recipe = GetRecipe(recipeId);

foreach(var ingredient in recipe)
    var ingredientsId = ingredient.Item1;
    var unit = ingredient.Item2;
    var ingredientId = ingredient.Item3;
    var amount = ingredient.Item4;

In any case, I would recommend to create a class to pass the data, it will result in a much clear code:

public class Ingredient
    public int IngredientsId { get; set; }
    public UnitNames Unit { get; set; }
    public int IngredientId { get; set; }
    public double Amount { get; set; }

public List<Ingredient> GetRecipe(int recipeId)
    return (from c in db.RecipeIngredients
       join d in db.Ingredients on c.IngredientID equals d.IngredientsID
       where c.RecipeID.Equals(recipeID)
       select new Ingredient { 
                                 IngredientsId = d.IngredientsID, 
                                 Unit = c.Unit,
                                 IngredientId = c.IngredientID, 
                                 Amount = c.Amount 


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