Lodash remove duplicates from array

_.unique no longer works for the current version of Lodash as version 4.0.0 has this breaking change. The functionality of _.unique was splitted into _.uniq, _.sortedUniq, _.sortedUniqBy, and _.uniqBy.

You could use _.uniqBy like this:

_.uniqBy(data, function (e) {
  return e.id;

…or like this:

_.uniqBy(data, 'id');

Documentation: https://lodash.com/docs#uniqBy

For older versions of Lodash (< 4.0.0 ):

Assuming that the data should be uniqued by each object’s id property and your data is stored in data variable, you can use the _.unique() function like this:

_.unique(data, function (e) {
  return e.id;

Or simply like this:

_.uniq(data, 'id');

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