Looking for a Ninject scope that behaves like InRequestScope

UPDATE: This approach works against NuGet current, but relies in an anomaly in the InCallscope implementation which has been fixed in the current Unstable NuGet packages. I’ll be tweaking this answer in a few days to reflect the best approach after some mulling over. NB the high level way of structuring stuff will stay pretty much identical, just the exact details of the Bind<DbContext>() scoping will work. (Hint: CreateNamedScope in unstable would work or one could set up the Command Handler as DefinesNamedScope. Reason I dont just do that is that I want to have something that composes/plays well with InRequestScope)

I highly recommend reading the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope integration tests (seriously, find them and read and re-read them)

The DbContext is a Unit Of Work so no further wrapping is necessary.

As you want to be able to have multiple ‘requests’ in flight and want to have a single Unit of Work shared between them, you need to:

    .ToMethod( ctx => 
        new DbContext( 
            connectionStringName: ConfigurationUtility.GetConnectionString() ))

The InCallScope() means that:

  1. for a given object graph composed for a single kernel.Get() Call (hence In Call Scope), everyone that requires an DbContext will get the same instance.
  2. the IDisposable.Dispose() will be called when a Kernel.Release() happens for the root object (or a Kernel.Components.Get<ICache>().Clear() happens for the root if it is not .InCallScope())

There should be no reason to use InNamedScope() and DefinesNamedScope(); You don’t have long-lived objects you’re trying to exclude from the default pooling / parenting / grouping.

If you do the above, you should be able to:

var command = kernel.Get<ICommand>();
try {
} finally {
    kernel.Components.Get<ICache>().Clear( command ); // Dispose of DbContext happens here

The Command implementation looks like:

class Command : ICommand {
    readonly IAccountRepository _ar;
    readonly IBlockedIpRepository _br;
    readonly DbContext _ctx;
    public Command(IAccountRepository ar, IBlockedIpRepository br, DbContext ctx){
        _ar = ar;
        _br = br;
        _ctx = ctx;
    void ICommand.Execute(){

Note that in general, I avoid having an implicit Unit of Work in this way, and instead surface it’s creation and Disposal. This makes a Command look like this:

class Command : ICommand {
    readonly IAccountService _as;
    readonly IBlockedIpService _bs;
    readonly Func<DbContext> _createContext;
    public Command(IAccountService @as, IBlockedIpServices bs, Func<DbContext> createContext){
        _as = @as;
        _bs = bs;
        _createContext = createContext;
    void ICommand.Execute(){
        using(var ctx = _createContext()) {

This involves no usage of .InCallScope() on the Bind<DbContext>() (but does require the presence of Ninject.Extensions.Factory‘s FactoryModule to synthesize the Func<DbContext> from a straightforward Bind<DbContext>().

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