make canvas as wide and as high as parent

Here’s a working example fixing the problems:

You had several problems with your example:

  1. A <div> does not have height or width attributes. You need to set those through CSS.
  2. Even if the div were sized correctly, it was using the default position:static, which means that it is NOT the positioning parent of any children. If you want the canvas to be the same size as the div, you must set the div to position:relative (or absolute or fixed).
  3. The width and height attributes on a Canvas specify the number of pixels of data to draw to (like the actual pixels in an image), and are separate from the display size of the canvas. These attributes must be set to integers.

The example linked to above uses CSS to set the div size and make it a positioned parent. It creates a JS function (shown below) to both set a canvas to be the same display size as its positioned parent, and then adjusts the internal width and height properties so that is has the same number of pixels as it shows.

var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');

function fitToContainer(canvas){
  // Make it visually fill the positioned parent"100%";"100%";
  // ...then set the internal size to match
  canvas.width  = canvas.offsetWidth;
  canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight;

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