Making changes to multiple records based on change of single record with SQL

This calls for a complex query that updates many records. But a small change to your data can change things so that it can be achieved with a simple query that modifies just one record.

UPDATE my_table set position = position*10;

In the old days, the BASIC programming language on many systems had line numbers, it encouraged spagetti code. Instead of functions many people wrote GOTO line_number. Real trouble arose if you numbered the lines sequentially and had to add or delete a few lines. How did people get around it? By increment lines by 10! That’s what we are doing here.

So you want pears to be the second item?

UPDATE my_table set position = 15 WHERE listId=1 AND name="Pears"

Worried that eventually gaps between the items will disappear after multiple reordering? No fear just do

UPDATE my_table set position = position*10;

From time to time.

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