Maven test dependency in multi module project

I have a doubt about what you are trying to do but but I’ll assume you want to reuse the tests that you have created for a project (module1) in another. As explained in the note at the bottom of the Guide to using attached tests:

Note that previous editions of this guide suggested to use <classifier>tests</classifier> instead of <type>test-jar</type>. While this currently works for some cases, it does not properly work during a reactor build of the test JAR module and any consumer if a lifecycle phase prior to install is invoked. In such a scenario, Maven will not resolve the test JAR from the output of the reactor build but from the local/remote repository. Apparently, the JAR from the repositories could be outdated or completely missing, causing a build failure (cf. MNG-2045).

So, first, to package up compiled tests in a JAR and deploy them for general reuse, configure the maven-jar-plugin as follows:


Then, install/deploy the test JAR artifact as usual (using mvn install or mvn deploy).

Finally, to use the test JAR, you should specify a dependency with a specified type of test-jar:


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