Multiple dispatch in C++

Multi-dispatch is the ability to choose which version of a function to call based on the runtime type of the arguments passed to the function call.

Here’s an example that won’t work right in C++ (untested):

class A { };
class B : public A { };
class C : public A { }

class Foo
  virtual void MyFn(A* arg1, A* arg2) { printf("A,A\n"); }
  virtual void MyFn(B* arg1, B* arg2) { printf("B,B\n"); }
  virtual void MyFn(C* arg1, B* arg2) { printf("C,B\n"); }
  virtual void MyFn(B* arg1, C* arg2) { printf("B,C\n"); }
  virtual void MyFn(C* arg1, C* arg2) { printf("C,C\n"); }

void CallMyFn(A* arg1, A* arg2)
  // ideally, with multi-dispatch, at this point the correct MyFn() 
  // would be called, based on the RUNTIME type of arg1 and arg2
  pFoo->MyFn(arg1, arg2);


A* arg1 = new B();
A* arg2 = new C();
// Using multi-dispatch this would print "B,C"... but because C++ only
// uses single-dispatch it will print out "A,A"
CallMyFn(arg1, arg2);

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