Must every ivar be a property?

It’s not really necessary to declare properties for all ivars. A few points come to mind:

  • If an ivar is only going to be assigned to once during the lifetime of the object, you don’t really gain anything by declaring a property. Just retain/copy/assign during init and then release as necessary during dealloc.
  • If an ivar is going to be changed frequently, declaring a property and always using the accessors will make it easier to avoid memory management errors.
  • You can declare properties in a class extension in the .m file rather than the .h file if the properties and ivars are meant to be private.
  • When targeting iOS 4.0+, you don’t need to declare ivars at all in your header if you define a property and synthesize accessors.

So I generally use properties, but for things like a NSMutableArray that an object allocates during init and uses to hold a bunch of whatevers, I’ll use a plain old ivar since I’ll never be reassigning the ivar.

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