“Expression is not assignable” — Problem assigning float as sum of two other floats in Xcode?

The other answers don’t exactly explain what’s going on here, so this is the basic problem:

When you write blackKey.center.x, the blackKey.center and center.x both look like struct member accesses, but they’re actually completely different things. blackKey.center is a property access, which desugars to something like [blackKey center], which in turn desugars to something like objc_msgSend(blackKey, @selector(center)). You can’t modify the return value of a function, like objc_msgSend(blackKey, @selector(center)).x = 2 — it just isn’t meaningful, because the return value isn’t stored anywhere meaningful.

So if you want to modify the struct, you have to store the return value of the property in a variable, modify the variable, and then set the property to the new value.

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