Mutating one field while iterating over another immutable field

This is a common issue in Rust; the typical way of solving it is the replace dance. This involves making more of the data and methods use mutable references:

struct Data {
    pub items: Vec<&'static str>,

trait Generator {
    fn append(&mut self, s: &str) {

    fn data(&mut self) -> &mut Data;

    fn generate_items(&mut self) {
        // Take the data. The borrow on self ends after this statement.
        let data = std::mem::replace(, Data { items: vec![] });
        // Iterate over the local version. Now append can borrow all it wants.
        for item in data.items.iter() {
            match *item {
                "foo" => self.append("it was foo\n"),
                _ => self.append("it was something else\n"),
        // Put the data back where it belongs.
        std::mem::replace(, data);
    fn output(&mut self) -> &mut String;

struct MyGenerator<'a> {
    data: &'a mut Data,
    output: String,

impl<'a> MyGenerator<'a> {
    fn generate(mut self) -> String {


impl<'a> Generator for MyGenerator<'a> {
    fn data(&mut self) -> &mut Data {

    fn output(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.output

fn main() {
    let mut data = Data {
        items: vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"],

    let generator = MyGenerator {
        data: &mut data,
        output: String::new(),

    let output = generator.generate();

    println!("{}", output);

The thing to realize is that the compiler is right to complain. Imagine if calling output() had the side effect of mutating the thing that is referenced by the return value of data() Then the iterator you’re using in the loop could get invalidated. Your trait functions have the implicit contract that they don’t do anything like that, but there is no way of checking this. So the only thing you can do is temporarily assume full control over the data, by taking it out.

Of course, this pattern breaks unwind safety; a panic in the loop will leave the data moved out.

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