My temp conversion program

There are numerous problems with your code, but the first thing I’m going to do it format it:

class Temperature {

    //Assign varriables to int
    int factorC, factorF;
    int celcius, ferenheit;

    int getFactorC() { // Celsius
        return factorC;

    Temperature(int factorC, int factorF, int celcius, int ferenheit) {
        this.factorC = factorC;
        this.factorF = factorF;
        this.celcius = celcius;
        this.ferenheit = ferenheit;

    void setFactorC() {
        factorC = (9 / 5) * celcius + 32; //Calculate Celcius

    int getFactorF() { // Fahrenheit
        return factorF;

    void setFactorF() {
        factorF = (5 / 9) * ferenheit - 32; //Calculate Ferenheit

Quick tip:

  • 9/5 is 1 and 5/9 is 0. In Java, when you divide integers, you get an integer. You can replace that with 9.0/5.0 and 5.0/9.0.

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