MySQL on delete cascade. Test Example

Answer d. is correct, if and only if the storage engine actually supports and enforces foreign key constraints.

If the tables are created with Engine=MyISAM, then neither b. or d. is correct.

If the tables are created with Engine=InnoDB, then d. is correct.


This is true for InnoDB if and only if FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; if FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0, then a DELETE from the parent table (foo) will not remove rows from the child table (foo2) that reference a row removed from the parent table.

Verify this with the output from SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'foreign_key_checks' (1=ON, 0=OFF)
(The normal default is for this to be ON.)

The output from SHOW CREATE TABLE foo will show which engine the table uses.

The output from SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'storage_engine' will show the default engine used when a table is created and the engine is not specified.

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