Namespace and class with the same name?

I don’t recommend you to name a class like its namespace, see this article.

The Framework Design Guidelines say in section 3.4 “do not use the
same name for a namespace and a type in that namespace”. That is:

namespace MyContainers.List 
    public class List { … } 

Why is this badness? Oh, let me count the ways.

You can get yourself into situations where you think you are referring
to one thing but in fact are referring to something else. Suppose you
end up in this unfortunate situation: you are writing Blah.DLL and
importing Foo.DLL and Bar.DLL, which, unfortunately, both have a type
called Foo:

// Foo.DLL: 
namespace Foo { public class Foo { } }

// Bar.DLL: 
namespace Bar { public class Foo { } }

// Blah.DLL: 
namespace Blah  
using Foo;   
using Bar;   
class C { Foo foo; } 

The compiler gives an error. “Foo” is ambiguous between Foo.Foo and
Bummer. I guess I’ll fix that by fully qualifying the name:

   class C { Foo.Foo foo; } 

This now gives the ambiguity error “Foo in
Foo.Foo is ambiguous between Foo.Foo and Bar.Foo
”. We still don’t know
what the first Foo refers to, and until we can figure that out, we
don’t even bother to try to figure out what the second one refers to.

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