Why can’t we declare a namespace within a class?

Since you asked which parts of the standard mandate namespace location, we hit that up first:

C++11 7.3-p4: Every namespace-definition shall appear in the global scope or in a namespace scope (3.3.6).

Regarding class definitions and the proposition of declaring a namespace within, I bring you to…

C++11 9.2-p2: A class is considered a completely-defined object type (3.9) (or complete type) at the closing } of the class-specifier. Within the class member-specification, the class is regarded as complete within function bodies, default arguments, exception-specifications, and brace-or-equal-initializers for non-static data members (including such things in nested classes). Otherwise it is regarded as incomplete within its own class member-specification.

Ergo, a class definition is finite once the closing curly is reached. It cannot be opened back up and extended (derivation is something different, but it is NOT extending the class just defined).

But lurking at the very beginning of the standard definition of a namespace is the ability to extend it; to expand it for lack of a better term:

C++ 7.3-p1: A namespace is an optionally-named declarative region. The name of a namespace can be used to access entities declared in that namespace; that is, the members of the namespace. Unlike other declarative regions, the definition of a namespace can be split over several parts of one or more translation units. (emphasis added).

Therefore, a namespace within a class would violate the definition in 7.3-p4. Assuming that was not present, it would be possible to declare a namespace anywhere, including in a class, but since the definition of a class is formalized once it is closed, you would be left with only the ability to do the following if you maintained compliance with 7.3-p1:

class Foo
   namespace bar

   .. more stuff ..

   namespace bar
       ..still more stuff..

The usefulness of this feature was likely debated for about 3-full-seconds before 7.3-p4 was established to settle it.

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