.NET 4.5 Bug in UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity (System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement)

We are experiencing the exact same issue (cross domain queries failing on updating to 4.5) – I would consider this a bug since it breaks existing (4.0) code.

However, in the interest of making it work – taking a look at one of the (now) failing clients, I noticed that there were a bunch of DNS requests for SRV records that were failing, of the form:


Modifying our DNS server (the DNS used by the failing clients) to have a forward zone for all mydomain.com traffic to one of the DCs on the domain did resolve the issue.

Using nslookup, the behavior from before (when it was failing) to now (working) was that before those queries would return “Non-existent domain” whereas now they return “* No Service location (SRV) records available for …”. The point of failure seems to be the perceived nonexistence of the domain rather than missing SRV records. Hopefully MS reverts this behavior but in the meantime you might have some luck creating a DNS forward zone if you can control the DNS for the failing clients.

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