onclick on option tag not working on IE and chrome

onclick event on option tag will fail on most versions of IE, Safari and Chrome: reference

If you want to trigger an event whenever user select, why not simply use:

<select onclick="check()">

And if you want to do something with the specific option user selected:

<select onclick="if (typeof(this.selectedIndex) != 'undefined') check(this.selectedIndex)">

This way you are guaranteed to call check() if and only if an option is selected.

Edit: As @user422543 pointed out in the comments, this solution will not work in Firefox. I therefore asked another question here: Why does Firefox react differently from Webkit and IE to “click” event on “select” tag?

So far it seems using <select> tag is will not work consistently in all browsers. However, if we simulate a select menu using library such as jQuery UI select menu or Chosen to create a select menu instead of using <select> tag, click event will be fired on <ul> or <li> tag which is consistent in all browsers I tested.

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