Rendering a hierarchy of “OPTION”s in a “SELECT” tag

The rendering of SELECT elements is largely up to the browser, you have very little influence over their presentation. Some browsers obviously allow you more customization than others, IE happens to allow very little (gasp, who’d have thunk ;)). If you need very custom SELECT elements, you’ll need to employ JavaScript or re-create something that behaves like a SELECT but is made of a bunch of DIVs and checkboxes or something to that extend.

Having said that, I think what you’re looking for are OPTGROUPs:

  <optgroup label="xxx">
    <option value="xxxx">xxxx</option>
  <optgroup label="yyy">

Every browser will display them differently, but they’ll be displayed in a distinctive fashion in one way or another. Note though that officially in HTML4 you can’t nest OPTGROUPs.

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