OpenMP: What is the benefit of nesting parallelizations?

(1) Nested parallelism in OpenMP:

You need to turn on nested parallelism by setting OMP_NESTED or omp_set_nested because many implementations turn off this feature by default, even some implementations didn’t support nested parallelism fully. If turned on, whenever you meet parallel for, OpenMP will create the number of threads as defined in OMP_NUM_THREADS. So, if 2-level parallelism, the total number of threads would be N^2, where N = OMP_NUM_THREADS.

Such nested parallelism will cause oversubscription, (i.e., the number of busy threads is greater than the cores), which may degrade the speedup. In an extreme case, where nested parallelism is called recursively, threads could be bloated (e.g., creating 1000s threads), and computer just wastes time for context switching. In such case, you may control the number of threads dynamically by setting omp_set_dynamic.

(2) An example of matrix-vector multiplication: the code would look like:

// Input:  A(N by M), B(M by 1)
// Output: C(N by 1)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
  for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j)
     C[i] += A[i][j] * B[j];

In general, parallelizing inner loops while outer loops are possible is bad because of forking/joining overhead of threads. (though many OpenMP implementations pre-create threads, it still requires some to dispatch tasks to threads and to call implicit barrier at the end of parallel-for)

Your concern is the case of where N < # of CPU. Yes, right, in this case, the speedup would be limited by N, and letting nested parallelism will definitely have benefits.

However, then the code would cause oversubscription if N is sufficiently large. I’m just thinking the following solutions:

  • Changing the loop structure so that only 1-level loop exists. (It looks doable)
  • Specializing the code: if N is small, then do nested parallelism, otherwise don’t do that.
  • Nested parallelism with omp_set_dynamic. But, please make it sure how omp_set_dynamic controls the number of threads and the activity of threads. Implementations may vary.

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