Parallel unnest() and sort order in PostgreSQL

Yes, that is a feature of Postgres and parallel unnesting is guaranteed to be in sync (as long as all arrays have the same number of elements).
Postgres 9.4 adds a clean solution for parallel unnest:

The order of resulting rows is not guaranteed, though. Actually, with a statement as simple as:

SELECT unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) AS id;

the resulting order of rows is “guaranteed”, but Postgres does not assert anything. The query optimizer is free to order rows as it sees fit as long as the order is not explicitly defined. This may have side effects in more complex queries.

If the second query in your question is what you actually want (add an index number to unnested array elements), there is a better way with generate_subscripts():

SELECT unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) AS id
     , generate_subscripts(ARRAY[5,3,9], 1) AS idx
ORDER  BY idx;

Details in this related answer:

You will be interested in WITH ORDINALITY in Postgres 9.4:

Then you can use:

SELECT * FROM unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) WITH ORDINALITY tbl(id, idx);

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