parsing XML file gets UnicodeEncodeError (ElementTree) / ValueError (lxml)

You are using the decoded unicode value. Use r.raw raw response data instead:

r = requests.get(url, params=payload, stream=True)
r.raw.decode_content = True

which will read the data from the response directly; do note the stream=True option to .get().

Setting the r.raw.decode_content = True flag ensures that the raw socket will give you the decompressed content even if the response is gzip or deflate compressed.

You don’t have to stream the response; for smaller XML documents it is fine to use the response.content attribute, which is the un-decoded response body:

r = requests.get(url, params=payload)
xml = etree.fromstring(r.content)

XML parsers always expect bytes as input as the XML format itself dictates how the parser is to decode those bytes to Unicode text.

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