Pass property itself to function as parameter in C#

You can pass a property accessor to the method.

List<Class1> SortBy(List<Class1> toSort, Func<Class1, IComparable> getProp)
    if (toSort != null && toSort.Count > 0) {
        return toSort
            .OrderBy(x => getProp(x))
    return null;

You would call it like this:

var result = SortBy(toSort, x => x.maxSpeed);

But you could go one step further and write your own extension method.

public static class CollectionExtensions
    public static List<TSource> AsOrderedListOrNull<TSource, TKey>(
        this ICollection<TSource> collection, Func<TSource,TKey> keySelector)

        if (collection != null && collection.Count > 0) {
            return collection
                .OrderBy(x => keySelector(x))
        return null;

Now you can sort like this

List<Class1> sorted = toSort.AsOrderedListOrNull(x => x.maxSpeed);

but also

Person[] people = ...;
List<Person> sortedPeople = people.AsOrderedListOrNull(p => p.LastName);

Note that I declared the first parameter as ICollection<T> because it must fulfill two conditions:

  1. It must have a Count property
  2. It must be an IEnumerable<T> in order to be able to apply the LINQ method OrderBy.

List<Class1> is an ICollection<T> but also an array Person[] as many other collections.

So far, I have shown how you can read a property. If the method needs to set a property, you need to pass it a setter delegate as well

void ReadAndWriteProperty(Func<Class1, T> getProp, Action<Class1, T> setProp)

Where T is the type of the property.

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