Passing a matplotlib figure to HTML (flask)

You have to separate the HTML and the image into two different routes.

Your /images/<cropzonekey> route will just serve the page, and in the HTML content of that page there will be a reference to the second route, the one that serves the image.

The image is served in its own route from a memory file that you generate with savefig().

I obviously didn’t test this, but I believe the following example will work as is or will get you pretty close to a working solution:

def images(cropzonekey):
    return render_template("images.html", title=cropzonekey)

def fig(cropzonekey):
    fig = draw_polygons(cropzonekey)
    img = StringIO()
    return send_file(img, mimetype="image/png")

Your images.html template the becomes:

    <title>{{ title }} - image</title>
    <img src="{{ url_for("fig', cropzonekey = title) }}" alt="Image Placeholder" height="100">

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