Performing dplyr mutate on subset of columns

Am I missing something or would this work as expected:

cols <- paste0("X", c(2,4))
dd %>% mutate(evensum = rowSums(.[cols]), evenmean = rowMeans(.[cols]))
#  id        X1        X2        X3        X4        X5   evensum  evenmean
#1  a 0.6021140 0.3670719 0.6872308 0.5090904 0.4474437 0.8761623 0.4380811
#2  b 0.1950439 0.9888592 0.8314290 0.7066286 0.9646670 1.6954878 0.8477439
#3  c 0.9664587 0.8151934 0.1046694 0.8623137 0.1411871 1.6775071 0.8387535
#4  d 0.6509055 0.2539684 0.6461509 0.8417851 0.7767125 1.0957535 0.5478768

Or are you specifically looking for a custom function to do this?

Not exactly what you are looking for but if you want to do it inside a pipe you could use select explicitly inside mutate like this:

dd %>% mutate(xy = select(., num_range("X", c(2,4))) %>% rowSums)
#  id        X1        X2        X3        X4        X5        xy
#1  a 0.6021140 0.3670719 0.6872308 0.5090904 0.4474437 0.8761623
#2  b 0.1950439 0.9888592 0.8314290 0.7066286 0.9646670 1.6954878
#3  c 0.9664587 0.8151934 0.1046694 0.8623137 0.1411871 1.6775071
#4  d 0.6509055 0.2539684 0.6461509 0.8417851 0.7767125 1.0957535

However, it is a bit more complicated if you want to apply several functions. You could use a helper function along the lines of (..not thoroughly tested.. ):

f <- function(x, ...) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  x <- lapply(list(...), function(y) if (length(y) == 1L) rep(y, n) else y)
  matrix(unlist(x), nrow = n, byrow = FALSE)

And then apply it like this:

dd %>% mutate(xy = select(., num_range("X", c(2,4))) %>% f(., rowSums(.), max(.)))
#  id        X1        X2        X3        X4        X5      xy.1      xy.2
#1  a 0.6021140 0.3670719 0.6872308 0.5090904 0.4474437 0.8761623 0.9888592
#2  b 0.1950439 0.9888592 0.8314290 0.7066286 0.9646670 1.6954878 0.9888592
#3  c 0.9664587 0.8151934 0.1046694 0.8623137 0.1411871 1.6775071 0.9888592
#4  d 0.6509055 0.2539684 0.6461509 0.8417851 0.7767125 1.0957535 0.9888592

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