PHP Can static:: replace self::?

You have to ask yourself: “Am I targeting the problem with the adequated approach?”

self:: and static:: do two different things. For instance self:: or __CLASS__ are references to the current class, so defined in certain scope it will NOT suffice the need of static calling on forward.

What will happen on inheritance?

class A {
    public static function className(){
        echo __CLASS__;

    public static function test(){

class B extends A{
    public static function className(){
        echo __CLASS__;


This will print


In the other hand with static:: It has the expected behaviour

class A {
    public static function className(){
        echo __CLASS__;

    public static function test(){

class B extends A{
    public static function className(){
        echo __CLASS__;


This will print


That is called late static binding in PHP 5.3.0. It solves the limitation of calling the class that was referenced at runtime.

With that in mind I think you can now see and solve the problem adequately. If you are inheriting several static members and need access to the parent and child members self:: will not suffice.

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