Piping Text To An External Program Appends A Trailing Newline


When PowerShell pipes a string to an external program:

Therefore, the key is to avoid PowerShell’s pipeline in favor of the native shell’s, so as to prevent implicit addition of a trailing newline:

  • If you’re running your command on a Unix-like platform (using PowerShell Core):
sh -c "printf %s 'string' | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac authcode"

printf %s is the portable alternative to echo -n. If the string contains ' chars., double them or use `"...`" quoting instead.

  • In case you need to do this on Windows via cmd.exe, things get even trickier, because cmd.exe doesn’t directly support echoing without a trailing newline:
cmd /c "<NUL set /p =`"string`"| openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac authcode"

Note that there must be no space before | for this to work. For an explanation and the limitations of this solution, see this answer.

Encoding issues would only arise if the string contained non-ASCII characters and you’re running in Windows PowerShell; in that event, first set $OutputEncoding to the encoding that the target utility expects, typically UTF-8: $OutputEncoding = [Text.Utf8Encoding]::new()

  • PowerShell, as of Windows PowerShell v5.1 / PowerShell (Core) v7.2, invariably appends a trailing newline when you send a string without one via the pipeline to an external utility, which is the reason for the difference you’re observing (that trailing newline will be a LF only on Unix platforms, and a CRLF sequence on Windows).

    • You can keep track of efforts to address this problem in GitHub issue #5974, opened by the OP.
  • Additionally, PowerShell’s pipeline is invariably text-based when it comes to piping data to external programs; the internally UTF-16LE-based PowerShell (.NET) strings are transcoded based on the encoding stored in the automatic $OutputEncoding variable, which defaults to ASCII-only encoding in Windows PowerShell, and to UTF-8 encoding in PowerShell Core (both on Windows and on Unix-like platforms).

  • The fact that echo -n in PowerShell does not produce a string without a trailing newline is therefore incidental to your problem; for the sake of completeness, here’s an explanation:

    • echo is an alias for PowerShell’s Write-Output cmdlet, which – in the context of piping to external programs – writes text to the standard input of the program in the next pipeline segment (similar to Bash / cmd.exe’s echo).
    • -n is interpreted as an (unambiguous) abbreviation for Write-Output‘s -NoEnumerate switch.
    • -NoEnumerate only applies when writing multiple objects, so it has no effect here.
    • Therefore, in short: in PowerShell, echo -n "string" is the same as Write-Output -NoEnumerate "string", which – because only a single string is output – is the same as Write-Output "string", which, in turn, is the same as just using "string", relying on PowerShell’s implicit output behavior.
    • Write-Output has no option to suppress a trailing newline, and even if it did, using a pipeline to pipe to an external program would add it back in.

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