Pointer interconvertibility vs having the same address

There are apparently existing implementations that optimize based on this. Consider:

struct A {
    double x[4];
    int n;

void g(double* p);

int f() {
    A a { {}, 42 };
    return a.n; // optimized to return 42;
                // valid only if you can't validly obtain &a.n from &a.x[1]

Given p = &a.x[1];, g might attempt to obtain access to a.n by reinterpret_cast<A*>(reinterpret_cast<double(*)[4]>(p - 1))->n. If the inner cast successfully yielded a pointer to a.x, then the outer cast will yield a pointer to a, giving the class member access defined behavior and thus outlawing the optimization.

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