Positive integer type

module Positive (toPositive, getPositive, Positive) where

newtype Positive = Positive { unPositive :: Int }

toPositive :: Int -> Maybe Positive
toPositive n = if (n <= 0) then Nothing else Just (Positive n)

-- We can't export unPositive, because unPositive can be used
-- to update the field.  Trivially renaming it to getPositive
-- ensures that getPositive can only be used to access the field
getPositive :: Positive -> Int
getPositive = unPositive

The above module doesn’t export the constructor, so the only way to build a value of type Positive is to supply toPositive with a positive integer, which you can then unwrap using getPositive to access the actual value.

You can then write a function that only accepts positive integers using:

positiveInputsOnly :: Positive -> ...

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