Practical rules for premature optimization [closed]

What is premature optimization?

Premature optimization is the process of optimizing your code (usually for performance) before you know whether or not it is worthwhile to do so. An example of premature optimization is optimizing the code before you have profiled it to find out where the performance bottleneck is. An even more extreme example of premature optimization is optimizing before you have run your program and established that it is running too slowly.

Are we at the point now where deciding between an O(n^n) and O(n!) complexity algorithm is irrelevant? What about O(n) vs O(n*n)?

It depends on the size of n and how often your code will get called.

If n is always less than 5 then the asymptotic performance is irrelevant. In this case the size of the constants will matter more. A simple O(n * n) algorithm could beat a more complicated O(n log n) algorithm for small n. Or the measurable difference could be so small that it doesn’t matter.

I still think that there are too many people that spend time optimizing the 90% of code that doesn’t matter instead of the 10% that does. No-one cares if some code takes 10ms instead of 1ms if that code is hardly ever called. There are times when just doing something simple that works and moving on is a good choice, even though you know that the algorithmic complexity is not optimal.

Every hour you spend optimizing rarely called code is one hour less that you can spend on adding features people actually want.

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