Prevent user process from being killed with “End Process” from Process Explorer

The code given in the question is misleading. It constructs a DACL with no allow entries and one deny entry; that might make sense if you were applying the DACL to a file with inheritance enabled, but in this case the deny entry is redundant. In the Windows access control model, if a DACL exists but contains no matching ACE, access is implicitly denied.

Here’s my version, which applies an empty DACL, denying all access. (Note that it returns an error code rather than a boolean.)

DWORD ProtectProcess(void)
    HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
    PACL pEmptyDacl;
    DWORD dwErr;

    // using malloc guarantees proper alignment
    pEmptyDacl = (PACL)malloc(sizeof(ACL));

    if (!InitializeAcl(pEmptyDacl, sizeof(ACL), ACL_REVISION))
        dwErr = GetLastError();
        dwErr = SetSecurityInfo(hProcess, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, 
                   DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, pEmptyDacl, NULL);

    return dwErr;

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